Palestinian Exports: Best Practice

This report, based on a survey carried out by Portland, the Palestinian Federation of Industries and Paltrade, identifies three areas Palestinian companies could best enhance to help reach their full export potential: planning, R&D and marketing. It analyses the export viability of leading export companies across the West Bank, highlighting those with strong management structures, […]
The Role of Business in Peacemaking

This paper, examining lessons from Cyprus, Northern Ireland, South Africa and the South Caucasus, focuses on different peacemaking approaches and specific activities that the business community undertook in each context. It considers what drove business to act and assesses what worked well and where lessons can be learnt for policymakers using economics in peacemaking, part of Portland’s […]
Acceleration of the Palestinian Tech Ecosystem

Portland is on track to support 300 jobs in Palestinian small and medium enterprises IT outsourcing (ITO) firms, based…
Loan Guarantees

Portland’s work saw a Palestinian Loan Guarantee Facility launched with $230m, providing loans from $10,000 to $500…

Rawabi is the first planned city for Palestinians and the largest private sector undertaking in Palestinian history…
Palestinian Agriculture Impact Fund

Portland spearheaded testing the feasibility of the first specialised agriculture impact fund in Palestine, in partnership…
Social Finance Israel

Portland, incubated Social Finance Israel to act as the country’s first social-financial intermediary. It now issues innovative…
Lotus Project for Orthodox Druze Women

Based in Isfiya, Portland supports Lotus, an NGO run by Druze women. The programme is creating the first generation…
Bridges Israel

Portland incubated Bridges Israel, a social venture fund which invests in for-profit, mission-driven businesses in the country’s…

Fursa aims to provide a scalable solution for quality employment of talented young Arab-Israelis, who have graduated…