
With the devastation of the conflict, Portland is working again with a broad range of parties led by the Palestinian private sector to re-evaluate, update and consider the implementation…
Global Palestine, Connected Gaza

This is a vision of what Gaza can be, short, medium and long-term, built by a core group of Palestine’s leading private sector leaders, expertly crafted by AECOM, one of the world’s largest infrastructure consulting firms. Connected Gaza presents key findings, technical recommendations and proposals, working objectively through some of the Gaza’s complex challenges to create a […]
The Palestinian Economic Bulletin

For many years, The Portland Trust published the Palestinian Economic Bulletin. This authoritative guide to the Palestinian economy…
Development Impact Bond (DIB) for Type II Diabetes

Portland was instrumental in establishing the first DIB in the Arab world, to address the growing Type 2 Diabetes epidemic in Palestine. We worked with 150 pre-diabetic women in West Bank refugee camps over a 3 year period with Juzoor, a local public health organisation with a strong track-record of working with women in impoverished […]
Beyond Aid

This seminal private sector initiative for investment, growth and employment provides a robust economic roadmap of which sectors and clusters are most likely to create long-term value for the Palestinian economy. It was put together by international experts, with contributions from over 250 Palestinian stakeholders. The five sectors with the most economic potential identified were agriculture, information technology […]
Investing for Peace: The Private Sector and Challenge of Peacebuilding

Portland partnered with the International Institute for Strategic Studies on ‘Economics and Conflict Resolution, including publication of “Investing for Peace: The Private Sector and the Challenges of Peacebuilding” and the subsequent ‘Ending Wars, Consolidating Peace: Economic Perspectives’, published by Adelphi.
Beyond Conflict

This early Portland report examines the economic underpinnings of peace between Israel and the Palestinians. In particular, it focuses on the pivotal role the Palestinian private sector can play in generating growth, sustainable employment levels and better living standards, estimating the quantifiable impact of peace on different aspects of the economy and for the Palestinian […]
Financing Palestinian SMEs

This report, prepared by the Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute, examines the needs and supply of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) for credit, and how they are affected by a loan guarantee scheme which reduces the onerous collateral requirements restricting their growth. The analysis examines both the demand for, and expected supply of, credit over […]
Economics and Peacemaking: Northern Ireland

This study examines the economic dimension of the peace process in Northern Ireland. The main finding of the report is that economic disparity was a principal aggravating factor, e.g. in 1985, Catholic unemployment was 14% higher than Protestant unemployment and violence was high. By 2004 the gap had fallen to 3.5% and violence was low. […]
Economics & Peacemaking: Bosnia and Herzegovina

This study reviews the important economic lessons of post-conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina, in particular examining the impact of the political settlement on the post-conflict economy and the hurdles posed by a fragmented and ethnically divided state, the efficacy of the international recovery and reform programme, the consequences of a weak investment and trade strategy and […]