
Palestinian Pensions
This “Thinking Portland” is on the timely and timeless topic of Palestinian Pensions. Written to be accessible to the general reader, the briefing is a

Global Palestine, Connected Gaza
This is a vision of what Gaza can be, short, medium and long-term, built by a core group of Palestine’s leading private sector leaders, expertly

The Palestinian Economic Bulletin
For many years, The Portland Trust published the Palestinian Economic Bulletin. This authoritative guide to the Palestinian economy…

Palestinian Tech Ecosystem
This first in a series of “Thinking Portland” policy briefs provides a digestible snapshot of what the Palestinian tech ecosystem looks like today, from its

Political Risk Insurance
The second instalment in our “Thinking Portland” series examines the options for political risk insurance available to businesses and organisations operating in Palestine. Formulated in

Monetary Reform
This paper “A Currency Board for Palestine” by Åke Lönnberg, IMF Consulting Expert, was prepared for a Portland symposium with Palestinian and international monetary policy

Beyond Aid
This seminal private sector initiative for investment, growth and employment provides a robust economic roadmap of which sectors and clusters are most likely to create

Investing for Peace: The Private Sector and Challenge of Peacebuilding
Portland partnered with the International Institute for Strategic Studies on ‘Economics and Conflict Resolution, including publication of “Investing for Peace: The Private Sector and the

Beyond Conflict
This early Portland report examines the economic underpinnings of peace between Israel and the Palestinians. In particular, it focuses on the pivotal role the Palestinian

Financing Palestinian SMEs
This report, prepared by the Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute, examines the needs and supply of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) for credit, and how

Economics and Peacemaking: Northern Ireland
This study examines the economic dimension of the peace process in Northern Ireland. The main finding of the report is that economic disparity was a

Economics & Peacemaking: Bosnia and Herzegovina
This study reviews the important economic lessons of post-conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina, in particular examining the impact of the political settlement on the post-conflict economy

Palestinian Exports: Best Practice
This report, based on a survey carried out by Portland, the Palestinian Federation of Industries and Paltrade, identifies three areas Palestinian companies could best enhance

The Role of Business in Peacemaking
This paper, examining lessons from Cyprus, Northern Ireland, South Africa and the South Caucasus, focuses on different peacemaking approaches and specific activities that the business