Landmark Projects
Portland seeks to identify value-adding economic development initiatives that the market, for whatever reason, falls short on. Our model is to catalyse, create and work with the best-placed partners to scale up and make projects sustainable, particularly around large scale financial and economic infrastructure, housing, trade, social investment, training and entrepreneurship.

Development Impact Bond (DIB) for Type II Diabetes
Portland was instrumental in establishing the first DIB in the Arab world, to address the growing Type 2 Diabetes epidemic in Palestine. We worked with

Loan Guarantees
Portland’s work saw a Palestinian Loan Guarantee Facility launched with $230m, providing loans from $10,000 to $500…

Palestinian Agriculture Impact Fund
Portland spearheaded testing the feasibility of the first specialised agriculture impact fund in Palestine, in partnership…

Together with PlaNet Finance Portland provided €550,000 in capacity building for the Palestinian microfinance sector, complemented…