January 2011
Main reports: The US has launched a new Palestinian Information Communications Technology Capacity Building Initiative (PITI) in partnership with large multinationals, including Cisco, Google, HP,
February 2011
Main reports: Massar International announced the initial closing of the Siraj Palestine Fund at $60m on 3 February. Siraj is the first private equity fund
March 2011
Main reports: The Palestine Development and Investment Company (PADICO) intends to issue $70m of commercial bonds in the coming weeks. These commercial bonds will be
April 2011
Main reports: Total banking sector credit reached $2.94bn at the end of February 2011. This is equivalent to 43% of deposits. $2.09bn of credit is
August 2011
Main reports: The EU has launched an Arabic language version of the Export Helpdesk. This free online service is provided by the European Commission and
September 2011
The Portland Trust celebrates the 60th issue of the Palestinian Economic Bulletin In October 2006, The Portland Trust published the first edition of the ‘Palestinian
October 2011
Main report: The European Parliament voted unanimously in favour of a trade agreement with the West Bank and Gaza. It gives direct, duty-free and mostly
November 2011
Main reports: In October, the Palestinian Authority initiated a free trade agreement with Mercosur, with a final signing due in December. In other trade news,
December 2011
Main reports: A quarterly business survey on business perceptions has shown that owners/ managers are increasingly pessimistic about the future: only 26% expect to see