November 2014


Main reports: The PNA Ministry of Agriculture presented its National Sector Strategy for 2014-2016, aimed at increasing competitiveness in the sector. It is anticipated that the private sector will have a key role in driving the programme forward.

In 2013 investments in Palestine by non-residents amounted to $2.9bn, almost 12% more than in the previous year. FDI in Palestinian companies accounted for more than half of total investment.

The PMA Business Cycle Indicator, a monthly index reflecting the current state and the evolution of the Palestinian business environment, severely deteriorated throughout Q3 2014.

Total output per employee in Palestinian enterprises rose by 3.3% in 2013, although the value added per worker declined by 2% from 2012.

Companies listed on the Palestine Exchange jointly achieved total net profits after tax of $177m in Q3 2014, a 6.4% drop from 2013.